PlayStation Move: Starter Pack Includes:
Introducing the PlayStation Move
The PlayStation 3 Motion Controller contains built-in motion sensors, including a colour-changing orb at its head, which interacts with the PlayStation Eye Camera to track movement. This tracking is precise, meaning the PlayStation 3 Motion Controller recreates every single swing of the arm and twist of the wrist exactly on screen.
Time to Move
The PlayStation Move gives PlayStation 3 gamers a new way to play and interact with their PlayStation 3. The Move is actually broken into three separate parts; the Motion Controller, Navigation Controller and the PlayStation Eye Camera.
The PlayStation Move: Motion Controller
The Playstation Move: Motion Controller contains advanced motion sensors such as a three-axis accelerometer, a three-axis gyroscope and a terrestrial magnetic field sensor to measure your movements and motions which are translated into on screen movements and commands. The colour changing sphere on the end of the controller is tracked by the PlayStation Eye and by using the power of the PlayStation 3 it detects the movements, angle and the absolute position in 3D space, to add to the accuracy.
Move to the beat
At this point there are 36 third party developers and publishers gearing up to support the PlayStation Move, releasing more than 20 games that are either dedicated to or support the PlayStation Move platform.
High definition gaming with the PlayStation Move and PlayStation Camera
PlayStation Move offers a motion-based, High Definition gaming experience unlike anything on the market. The PlayStation Move platform, including the motion controller, sub-controller and PlayStation Eye camera, work to
PlayStation 3 – PlayStation Move Starter Pack with PlayStation Eye Camera, Move Controller and Starter Disc [UK Import]
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